A Healthy Solution For Reducing Hair Loss

Madison Hair Care Hair Re-Growth Oil for Alopecia

Millions of people in America are suffering from hair loss linked to genetic issues, high levels of stress, nutrition deficiencies or other chronic conditions. According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association (AADA), 80 million Americans- including 50 million men and 30 million women, experience hair loss linked to a hereditary form of hair thinning, known as androgenetic alopecia.

The organization also cites 13 other potential causes that can lead to either short-term or long-term hair loss, such as a diet deficient in iron and protein, certain prescription medications, hormonal imbalances, chronic diseases, or even the products and methods used for styling your hair. And contrary to what most people may believe, the issue of hair loss is not limited to men. Researchers have found that women are just as likely to experience hair loss as men. 


"Everyone should get on a hair health routine to avoid hair thinning or loss down the line." 

-Maya Vincent, Founder, Madison Hair Care


Whether male or female, how we wear our hair is an expression of ourselves. Whether we choose to wear it short, long, curly, dyed, shaved or straight, our hair is a way of controlling how we express who we are in the world. This is the main reason why experiencing hair loss can be so devastating for most people, especially women. Hair loss can negatively impact a woman’s self-esteem, body image and self-confidence. And psychology researchers have found that unpredictable hair loss related to genetic conditions, or other issues can pose a direct threat to a woman’s identity. 

Fortunately, there are many treatment options available for managing hair loss, or even reducing or preventing it altogether. Eating a more balanced diet, reducing stress, and using healthier products for maintaining healthy hair are some of the best solutions for preventing hair loss related to short-term conditions. 

Madison Hair Care is the latest beauty line developed for women suffering from early stage hair loss related to thinning, and certain types of alopecia. In an interview with Maya Vincent, beauty expert and founder of Madison Hair Care, she shares her motivation for developing this unique collection of products, with proven ingredients created to stimulate hair growth, reduce inflammation and improve circulation. It also nourishes the scalp and hair. The product line is vegan-friendly, cruelty-free and rich in vitamin B and other nutrients, such as zinc and choline for strengthening hair and countering the effects of stress to reduce hair loss.     


 Madison Hair Care Products



What motivated you to start Madison Hair Care?

Maya Vincent: My sister. My sister suffered from alopecia years ago and there was nothing on the market to help her.  She tried so many products and spent so much money only to end up losing all her hair.  I decided back then, that I wanted to create a product line dedicated to women suffering from alopecia or any type of hair loss. 


What do you love most about what you do?

Maya: Helping women. I saw what hair loss does to a woman’s self-esteem. No one should have to deal with that. 


Is Madison Hair Care only for people who are experiencing hair loss and thinning?

Maya: No. Madison Hair Care is a hair health brand. You shouldn’t wait until there is an issue to fix it.  Everyone should get on a hair health routine to avoid hair thinning or loss down the line. Most women have a skin routine but nothing for hair, until there’s a problem. We have to change that. Scalp care is just like skin care.  


What are some of your most popular products?

Maya: Our MAD-Regrowth Serum. As the brand's hero product, this serum is a clinically tested, weightless growth formula that inhibits DHT production, and protects and strengthens hair from the roots. It promotes growth, and thicker and longer hair in women suffering from early to moderate stages of hair loss.


Which of your products do you recommend for long-term routine maintenance after hair loss?

Maya: Our Advance Hair Growth Oil. It promotes a healthy scalp and strengthens hair from the root. The potent oil prevents hair loss, fights frizz, restores thinning hair, and locks in moisture, imparting a healthier look and feel. 


Which products do you recommend for long-term maintenance for women who may not be experiencing hair loss?

Maya: Again, our Advance Hair Growth Oil. It’s best for a long-term hair care routine.


What products do you recommend as a routine treatment for maintaining healthy hair?

Maya: For a routine, we suggest using our Vitamin Gummies & Advanced Hair Oil. The gummies will help with any vitamin deficiency and overall health. 


How can customers get the best use out of your products?

Maya: Using our Ultimate ProRoller™ + Super Growth Set, which includes our Vitamin Gummies to address anything within the body. Our Advanced Hair Oil, for overall healthy hair or thinning hair, or our MAD-Regrowth serum to help with re-growth. 


To learn more about Madison Hair Care products, visit: madisonhaircare.com 

You can also visit the Instagram page: Madison_Haircare or Facebook: @ Madisonhaircare

Photographs by Madison Hair Care

Read the full article in the Winter 2022 Issue of VERGE Lifestyle & Urban Culture magazine. Click here to download the issue now and become inspired!

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